Herbs or herb is well known by the Indonesian people since ancient times. Our ancestors have been using various herbs to treat many diseases.
However, along with the development of modern medicine, herbal medicine functions increasingly replaced by the presence of chemical drugs have proven efficacy in preclinical (in animals) and clinical (human). In fact, some herbs can cause side effects accused of damaging the kidneys.
Dracula therapy is one method that promises beauty of youthful skin serum formulated with an injection of the patient's own blood.
The method was first introduced by French cosmetic doctor, Daniel Sister, about two years ago, in London. As the number of patients tested, Dracula therapies increasingly popular in the Western world. Other designations, stimulated Self Serum (S3).
control blood sugar levels, inject medication, and plan a healthy diet are things that need to be done and can only be achieved easily if there is comfort in your relationship.
During puberty, hygiene must be adapted to the changes. Hair and skin will develop, acne for most people would be a serious challenge while health genital organs should be adjusted towards further development.Hair Care
Hair for boys - men like their pride like a crown. Hair Model describes your identity. When puberty arrives, will the oil glands
release more oil than the oil that you normally use. This will make your hair like you never wash for days even if you just wash it off in the morning.
Spending too much oil is part of the process of puberty, but you can anticipate them. You may need to replace your shampoo. Choose one that will remove excess oil, rather than by formula shampoo for normal or dry hair. This will reduce some excess oil. Conditioner will ensure the hair follicle is not damaged and control the minimum amount needed moisture.
Type your hair type is also important. African-American men tend to have dry hair. Increased oil will work better for their hair follicles. With the surplus - the excess oil involved here do not need to add more oil on the hair unless you are aware of the damage to your hair.Skin care
Skin is the largest organ in the body. The skin is filled by thousands of oil glands, nerve endings, and small blood vessels. Skin is the first thing seen by a person when looking at you, so the skin is very important not only because of hormonal changes but also to keep them healthy.
Let's start from the sweat glands. You will sweat more. Sweat is something normal because your body remove fluid as part of the cooling mechanism. Sweat going on your skin and evaporate, as the effect is to cool your body. You will be grateful by this system after heavy exercise like basketball.
Unfortunately, these body fluids (which contain electrolytes and metabolic waste products) can be mixed with dirt on the skin and creates an unpleasant smell. This is what is usually known familiarly by children - children with "BO". This is like a pheromone (hormones to attract the opposite sex) for animals - wild animals but it is very unpleasant for humans when they are in the vicinity of the opposite sex.
Resist the smell is to keep your skin clean and use a deodorant or anti-sweat. If you realize you'll be sweating, use deodorant will help you have a better smell in the place especially in the armpit hair. All teenagers do not always need to wear deodorant. If you do not sweat much, you probably do not need to use odor. Do not use it until you need it.
On the other hand, if you will go to the event date or make a presentation, feeling nervous will trigger the sweat glands to release sweat. In this case you will need anti-sweat to prevent sweating in a situation like this.Pimple
This is a curse for all adolescents. When clogged sweat glands, they trap dust, dirt, and oil. This will trigger a black stain or white stains sticking to the skin surface. They appeared on the back and upper chest but is usually the best known in advance.
To fix this, do not press the pimple. This will only leave scars on the skin. Use a cleanser to remove excess oil. If you have too much oil in your hair, this will be absorbed by your face and trigger more acne. Use a cleanser to open the pores - pore. An astringent to remove excess dirt and dry up the pimple. Moisturizer will not clog pores but will restore the moisture that is needed in advance.
Other more serious cases such as Acnitic Keratoris would be better if treated by a dermatologist (dermatologist) who can provide you with the product - a specific product to stop the emergence of acne and the resultant pain. One important point again is to follow the rules of healthy living day - day and follow your doctor's advice.
To reduce the appearance of blackheads black and white, keep your face clean of substances - chemical substances. If you use hair oil or gel, careful - careful to not hit your face. If you do, wash it as soon as possible so the rest - the remaining oil will not clog pores - pore over your face.
Health Organ Intimate (Genital)
Here is where the all the changes when your puberty. The growth of hair in your genital area, behind the arms and chest. Hair can become breeding grounds for bacteria and other infections.
One part of hygiene is to maintain cleanliness every day. Humidity can trap bacteria, so be sure to dry the whole body after a bath. Wearing cotton underwear (washed every day) to remove all the moisture and allow as much air circulation around the area.
If you are not in circumcision, the skin on the tip of the penis should be pulled back to ensure the overall cleanliness of the penis. In the evenings during puberty, men - young men to have erections when dreaming about it - it smelled of sex. This could lead to spending a small portion of the penis ejaculating. This causes a wet point (the origin of the term "wet dream.) Maintain cleanliness of this area is very important.
Some of the main causes of toothache is tooth decay, broken teeth, and cavities. Cracked tooth can also be a cause, but it is very difficult to diagnose, because the cracks hardly visible by naked eye and x-rays. Cracks in teeth can make your teeth feel as if exploded, making the dentin and nerves of your teeth can feel open and exposed to any substance you put into your mouth. If you do not immediately take care, your teeth will worsen the situation, it can even make your teeth broken through the gum line.
Irritation of the pulp also other causes of toothache, which is common after dental treatment. No matter how well your jacket fillings or crowns, the materials used therein can only cause pain when you arrive home. There's nothing you can do, because sometimes you can just crown jacket off by itself or your tooth fillings also sometimes loose. If this happens, then what you can do is go back to the dentist to fix it.
If you have the nerve roots or teeth that are exposed / exposed, this could be the cause of your toothache. This normally occurs due to brushing too hard, causing gum recession and make a tooth root becomes visible / exposed. The air or liquid you drink can trigger a toothache. To prevent this did not happen, be careful brushing your teeth and do not ever think to pull your gums to your teeth can be more easily cleaned.
If your use of tobacco products, you will more often experience sore teeth regularly. Chewing tobacco is a habit that lead to toothache, as if your teeth consuming tobacco until he left. It did not take long for that to happen, especially if you've been doing this habit. Smoking also can trigger a toothache, because the smoke is bad for your teeth and ruin it a little.
Although many things can cause a toothache, there are several things you can do to stop and prevent toothache. You should regularly brush their teeth every day, and regularly go to your dentist for regular check ups. If you feel a toothache, always go to the dentist for treatment. Your dentist may be able to save your teeth early - that would save him from the revocation action and will save a lot of your money - and also save you from a prolonged illness.
Natural Skin Care Tips. The skin is really healthy, is one of the goals for everyone, especially women. Articles on skin care tips below are 10 best tips in an effort to skin care, among them:
1. Knowing your skin type is one of the most important in skin care. This is important because not all skin care products in accordance with all human jeniskulit.
2. Drink plenty of water. This will not only skin moist but will help maintain health in all body and in turn against the skin.
3. Clean your skin regularly with warm water (at least 1 to 2 times a day). These tips are very effective against skin treatments because it helps remove dirt and other harsh elements from the skin especially when we often berkaktifitas outdoors.
4. Applies gentle on the skin. Do not rub the skin too kerashingga peeling. Similarly, do not be too much to use skin care products.
5. Keep your skin moist at all times. This is one of the most important in skin care. Do not let your skin becomes dry. Dryness causes the outer layer of skin leads to a rough and unattractive appearance. Use a moisturizing oil because it can work well if applied when the skin is still damp.
6. Avoid using soap on your face. Therefore, the soap should only be used from under the neck.
7. Use sunscreen to protect themselves from harmful solar UV radiation because UV radiation is known to cause skin cancer.
8. Diligent exercise and good sleep is very important too, not just for skin care, but for overall health. Lack of sleep can cause shrinkage under the eyes and lack of exercise can lead to sagging skin. In addition, exercise and sleep also help cope with stress. So, besides being a skin care tip, this is also a health care tips.
9. Treat skin dilemmas with care that is not ignoring any skin dilemmas. Examples of skin dilemma is if the use of certain cosmetics or eating certain foods cause abnormalities in the appearance of skin. Berkonsulatsilah with a dermatologist to address the issues.
10. Often a shower scrub with traditional ingredients like betel leaves and so forth.
Source: http://www.berita86.com/2010/02/10-tips-perawatan-kulit-terbaik.html
The evidence suggests that some of you there are always start the day with an empty stomach. Some claim not having enough time for breakfast, some are thinking that the habit of eating breakfast will only make the body fat.
Those who think that breakfast is important not just wrong. Research at Harvard University in the U.S. showed that people who regularly eat breakfast have a tendency to 50 percent were not overweight than those who skip breakfast.
Well, so you better understand the benefits, the following is an explanation of why breakfast is good for the body and also gives tips on how to make it as a lifestyle:
1. Breakfast can meet the required nutrients. Delaying breakfast makes it difficult to obtain the intake of nutrients and vitamins that are recommended. Menu breakfast such as cereal with milk or low fat yogurt plus granules will provide enough calcium and fiber.
2. Breakfast can lose weight. When you move with an empty stomach, your body will burn calories slower. According to nutrition expert author of The F-Factor Diet Tanya Zuckerbrot, RD, breakfast the morning after a night on an empty stomach can increase metabolism, which means burning calories throughout the day becomes more efficient. But Zuckerbrot stressed that the key of all is the kind of food you consume. Foods containing simple carbohydrates such as donuts will make glucose increased, then decreased drastically.It also causes you to feel hungry at 11's. A better way is to eat a type of complex carbohydrate such as oatmeal or whole grain bread. Foods with high fiber content and low in sugar will be digested slowly, providing constant energy and make you hungry faster tdak.
3. Breakfast boost brainpower. Research experts from the University of Wales Swansea prove that students are always breakfast recorded an average score of 22 per cent higher than peers who did not breakfast. When you wake up in the morning, most of the energy - in the form of glucose and glycogen - have been depleted by the activities of the previous day. According to experts, glucose is the only fuel needed brain. Without enough glucose, you feel tired and dizzy.
4. Protection against heart disease. Research shows that healthy women who skipped breakfast for two weeks has the bad LDL cholesterol levels higher than those who ate a bowl of cereal plus milk in the morning. Zuckerbrot explains, fiber to bind cholesterol and accelerate eksresinya before reaching the arteries. Hence also, 10-year study conducted at Harvard Nurses Health concluded that high fiber intake is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease to reach 50 percent.
Healthy breakfast tips:
1. Breakfast should contain at least 5 grams of fiber, one dish of calcium (equivalent to a glass of milk or yogurt) plus protein and fat. Limit your sugar intake to 6 grams (one teaspoon equals 4 grams).
2. If there is no breakfast at home, you can bring sandwiches and milk to be enjoyed on the trip or after arriving at work.
3. Egg food dalah relatively practical and easy to prepare. The content of nutrients in eggs of vitamins A, B2, B6, B12, iron, potassium, calcium, and other substances, our body is necessary.
4. So varied, we should eat fruit favorites to the needs of vitamins for the body. If there is time in the evening, blenderlah mixed fruit yogurt or milk and keep it in the fridge to be consumed in the morning.
5. If you always do not feel hungry in the morning, Zuckerbrot recommends that you stop eating after 20:00 o'clock at night. In two or three weeks ahead, biological clock will change your appetite. Every morning wake up, you will feel hungry.
Sumber: Kompas.com
If you do not have long enough hair to make bangs, hair accessories can help distractthe eye from your forehead. As reported by eHow, here's the trick to cover a broad forehead:
Choose a hair style you like
Order slanted bangs, side bangs, or bangs full, can make the forehead appear smaller.If necessary, scan and print images that reflect the style of hair you love.
Visit the salon subscription
Come to your subscription salon haircut while showing a picture that you like. Explain tothe hair stylist that the reason you change your haircut is to cover a broad forehead.Furthermore, it will provide some options that are right for you.
Never tie hair
Tying back hair and bangs will make your forehead look bigger. The focus of peoplewho see the note will also be drawn directly on your forehead.
Wear headband
If your hair is not long enough to make bangs, wear headband, bandana, or scarf near the border of children's hair and face so that the attention of people who look more to the accessories you wear, not the forehead. As for men, the most powerful way to covera broad forehead was wearing a hat.