Get used to bathe with cold water every day. Warm water to make dry flaky skin.
Better to shower with liquid soap. Because the liquid soap has a formula is thicker than bar soap which tends to make skin drier.
Knees and elbows are the areas that tend to dry, so he needs a rich moisturizing formula, rich pelembah To know a formula, terbalikin deh bottle, the slower the fall of cream, richer formula.
Milk bath is believed to make skin soft, smooth, and bright. Milk bath powder has been sold, but we can make themselves. How: put three cups of liquid milk into a warm bath that has been in hot water contents. Soak for 10 minutes, then scrub with a sponge sluruh agency, we are also biased nambahin our favorite essential oil.
When the hair wet 30% more fragile than when dry, not easily broken so do not comb wet hair.
Use conditioner on the hair shaft and ends aja, if on the scalp can actually clog pores and cause the crust.
Hair Mask is the answer from various problems such as hair loss, dry, hard on the set and greasy,, You can Also make your own hair mask, How:
Combine two tablespoons of honey with three tablespoons of olive oil, use after shampooing your hair dry and then apply a mask from roots to tip of rambut.Diamkan for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly with shampoo.
Create an oily skin, wash your face do not go overboard, because it will stimulate excessive production of oil glands.
Want to have eyes that look shiny? Dab hightlight shimmer white eyeshadow on the brow bone.
Besides making our lips moist and healthy, lip balm also can we use to trim my eyebrows and also create the effect of radiant faces when we apply it on the cheek after bermakeup.
Puffy eyes, to position the head meguranginya slightly higher than the chest when you sleep.
Eyeliner is to make beautiful, but also make you look older than 5 years. If I had to wear them, choose a pencil shape.
To display the tapered impression on the face, use a dark-colored blush.
Wear powder puff by pressing pelan2 to face, because by rubbing some powder just stick to the puff.
When dry lips, do not wet your lips with saliva because the gland and enzymes contained in saliva even lips become dry, simply wet with water or drink a glass of white.
Still looking for the right lipstick color? The trick try your lips with lipstick on his face without makeup. The most beautiful color that is most appropriate color.
For dark lips, try deh use lip balm every night if you sleep wear AC.Besoknya finished brushing, use a toothbrush to scrub the remaining lip balm, lip skin off automatic rest of you come up, and also help to grow new cells lips.
To further brighten the lips also apply lemon juice or almond oil every night.
Brighten your teeth with strawberries is a cheap choice berkhasiat.Caranya: crushed ripe strawberries with ½ teaspoon baking soda, then apply to the teeth with a toothbrush set aside for diving 5 minutes, then wipe clean teeth, do it once a week.
Eliminating black in knee and elbow are not difficult from sabar.Buah avocado can enlighten bagian2 darker colored body. How: halved ripe avocado, remove the meat and take skin, use the side of the skin to rub the elbow or knee.
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