Most of us are concerned about skin health. Often we want our skin look younger and healthier, we also actually doing something to protect our skin from the various threats that may exist in the environment around us. The following article will explain some of the best tips to get healthy skin.

Tip 1: Drink Water
Water has been regarded as the most efficient natural treatment or care free of charge to any unconditioned skin because the water is alkaline / alkaline, with pH 7.3. The water will prevent dehydration because it can help produce sebum or oil from the sebaceous glands. Your skin needs water in order to work best, thus doctors and nutritionists recommend a daily intake of water is needed about 6 to 8 glasses each day.

Tip 2: Watch your diet
Nutrition also plays an important role for healthy skin. Certain foods such as acidic foods and products from milk, has effectively said to cause allergic reactions in some people. And also, one of the topics discussed a broad debate in the field of nutrition today is chocolates. Some say chocolate affects the skin condition, while others say no. Whatever the outcome that may arise, the best advice is to do just Glossary Links dietDiet: 1-Landing in choosing foods with reference to specific health conditions, food is allowed to be consumed; the recommended way of life. 2-direction and purpose in life nourishing; what is commonly eaten and drunk, food, food supply, something that served nutritious in which there are some fruits and fresh green vegetables and fibrous.
Tip 3: Consider the use eksfoliant (products to help exfoliate dead skin)
Experts said that the peeling skin off is another great way to get beautiful skin. So, try to invest by using skin eksfoliant body or commonly called a "loofah", which removes dead skin cells from your body. This needs to be done once or twice a week so that the skin become blocked and can not breathe. Furthermore, eksfoliant helps you to block the hair on the lower layers of skin. Even so, it is very important to avoid using body eksfoliant on facial skin. The main reason for this warning is the skin tissue on the face better and more sensitive than the skin tissue in the body.
Tip 4: Consider a healthy routine for facial treatments
When discussing about facial skin care, health and beauty routine is not a bad thing. Currently, most doctors strongly recommend that you cleanse, moisturise and refresh your skin twice daily. When cleaning the skin, do not forget to clean the neck area, including your face. Then use a moisturizer or cream neck. Before going to bed at night, always remember to clean the makeup. Clean your face before bed, no matter how ngantuknya you. It is known that when we sleep, the skin will make the process of release and will not be able to breathe if they are still covered by your makeup. And, you may be aware that if you sleep with makeup has not been cleaned, it will lead to the emergence of black spots with a "sudden". Regarding the shaving of men, some men may experience redness due to shaving. For some men, this would reduce her confidence, but this is actually not a big problem to think about. There are many ways to avoid this redness. Perhaps one of the best ways is when shaving, make sure the razor movements follow the direction of hair growth. Simple!
Tip 5: Treat Your Feet
When performing skin care, foot often forgotten. So, if you do not have time to go into care professional pedicure, try to fill the basin or tub with warm water and your favorite essential oil tambakan. Soak and wash your feet about 15 minutes. Then, dry and rough skin remover to use on your feet. Then rinse and dry well. And, if you consider to pedicure, add some body cream to your legs to facilitate and accelerate the pedicure.
Tip 6: Avoid too much sun exposure
One common warning about skin care is avoiding too much exposure to sunlight. As you know, too much sun exposure will cause "sunburn" (the skin looks like burnt by the sun). So, when the "sunscreen" is currently blocking UVB rays and still let harmful UVA rays, it would be wise to continue to cover the body before a walk in the light of "Apollo". If possible, use a hat with a wide edge when caring for your garden to block the sun from your face.
Tip 7: Sports
Apart from considering a healthy diet, exercise will also make your skin stay healthy. Note that exercise is good not only make your body stay fit by providing more oxygen; exercise will also increase the skin so shiny is better.
Tip 8: Get plenty of rest
One of the common problems faced by humans is a stressful, something that is not normal. It is known that when a person experiences stress, the adrenal cortex would alter androgen-adrenal androgens to testosterone in men and women, which later resulted in excessive activity of sebaceous glands. Adrenal androgens are released and cause the number to double testosterone, which causes the face to be oily, while other body parts remain dry due to dehydration. So, rest well sleep well that covers about 6 to 8 hours is the best way to rejuvenate the skin.(


  1. Online  

    May 3, 2011 at 9:50 PM

    Good blog. ki$$ me back @ Online todays bro... ;)

  2. Asmawi  

    May 5, 2011 at 10:06 PM

    Thanks$$ back sukses

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