SHY has a wide forehead? Some hair styles can cover you know. One of them withbangs hair styles, which will make the forehead is not too roomy.

If you do not have long enough hair to make bangs, hair accessories can help distractthe eye from your forehead. As reported by eHow, here's the trick to cover a broad forehead:

Choose a hair style you like

Order slanted bangs, side bangs, or bangs full, can make the forehead appear smaller.If necessary, scan and print images that reflect the style of hair you love.

Visit the salon subscription

Come to your subscription salon haircut while showing a picture that you like. Explain tothe hair stylist that the reason you change your haircut is to cover a broad forehead.Furthermore, it will provide some options that are right for you.

Never tie hair

Tying back hair and bangs will make your forehead look bigger. The focus of peoplewho see the note will also be drawn directly on your forehead.

Wear headband

If your hair is not long enough to make bangs, wear headband, bandana, or scarf near the border of children's hair and face so that the attention of people who look more to the accessories you wear, not the forehead. As for men, the most powerful way to covera broad forehead was wearing a hat.


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