Child DentalL Health and Mounth

Dental care is actually easier to milk than permanent teeth, because fewer and easier for parents to monitor the food consumed by children.

As examples of the teeth and mouth disease that is often experienced by infants and children - the child if treatment is not done well, namely caries (holes in the surface of the tooth) and Gingivitis (inflammation / swelling of the gums).

Often we as parents think that the teeth in children are milk teeth so do not care, because it will also be replaced by permanent teeth. When in fact precisely the time that children have milk teeth begin to be taught to maintain cleanliness and health of teeth.

Baby teeth have special functions that are not owned by permanent teeth, namely:

- As a guide to the guide or signpost for the future growth of permanent teeth grow in the appropriate place.

 - Milk teeth also maintain the growth of dental arches so that a regular arrangement.

One sign of permanent teeth will grow generally preceded by milk teeth rocking. This happens because the baby teeth become shorter due to urge the release of permanent teeth (resorbsi).

Sometimes parents are paying less attention to that when the molar teeth of children suspected broken baby teeth, when the tooth is already a permanent tooth. Because it matters more milk tooth which has replaced the tooth fixed.

Milk teeth will actually formed when the child is still in the womb, ie during the second trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, its strength depends on the intake of nutrients, especially calcium consumed by mothers during pregnancy.

When the baby was born in fact he now has 20 primary teeth, most of which are fully formed inside the gums.

Therefore, dental treatment can be started from infancy, by using gauze or cotton in the wet with boiled water, then rub on your baby's gums after each feeding.

When the baby teeth have grown (eruption) of more than 8 pieces, clean with a baby toothbrush that has a small tip and downy or furry rubber. Cleaned at least once a day without using toothpaste.

When children aged 2-3 years the number of milk teeth in the mouth is complete 20 pieces. Begin brushing techniques taught children, but parents still watch. When they are able to gargle, can use toothpaste that contains fluoride, but it's not sweet. Do 2 times a day after breakfast and before bed at night. Parents also can help clean between - between the teeth of children with dental floss / dental floss until the age of 8 years or until the child can do it yourself.

Invite your child to eat vegetables plain or fruit and control of food they consume.

Based on the recommendations of The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the most appropriate time to bring the child dental medicine that is when the child has a first tooth or not more than one year of age.

Suggested first time a child should be invited only as an introductory dental medicine.Then in the second consultation, should the action taken only check the teeth. The important thing is the first action may not cause trauma in children.

Visits to the dentist should be performed every 6 months, unless the child is suffering from dental pain and need immediate treatment.

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