Really sleep triggers obesity?

Want Not Fat, Just 30 Minutes Sleep Day - Some people are afraid to take a nap because of the myth that says, if you take a nap, weight will bertambah.Namun myth is related to the habits of people who take a nap after eating siang.Tapi really nap lead to obesity?.
For this problem, until now, researchers have not found an association of obesity with sleep siang.Namun researchers only explains a long siesta habit is to make the body does not move, so calories are burned a little.
Reporting from HealthMad, Kristie Leong MD, a family health doctor from Virginia do not mention the duration of a nap more than 30 menit.Ini due napping too long or longer than 30 minutes result will actually make feel sleepy all day. So do not moving the body so that calories in the body so it does not burn.

Instead according to Dr. Leong, a nap in a short duration (30 minutes) actually has many benefits. One of them replaces the less sleep at night for those who often work overtime, although certainly not as good quality sleep at night.
Napping does not mean increasing sleep time, a significant amount of overall sleep in one day is still within reasonable limits, ie 6-7 hours a day for adults.
Napping in the short duration also helps keep the stress hormone cortisol levels, so that the mind will be more refreshed upon awakening. With low levels of stress actually good for preventing weight gain. 


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