About Me

My name is Asmawi Roiyansyah, I was born in a village located in the middle area of oil palm plantations in Riau province. History education kindergarten to grade 1 at SDMuhammadiyah I Sangonan II Jowah after that I went on my 2nd grade at SDN 045Kunto Darussalam, I continue to pass setela SMPN 2 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam well here I began to understand what it is computers, knowing in rural areas so smp newcomputer know, initially I can only play the game just dismp I also began to want a lot ofthings mengetaui Teteng smp computers after graduating in 2007 I decided to continue the school kejogja because I consider this city a university town that has manyopportunities for skilled IT field, I school in SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta in schoolthat I menhetahui how computers work, I know how servise computer and I know how toweb design, process and make the server and others. vocational school aftergraduating in 2010 I continued study at STMIK AMIKOM why I chose this campusbecause the campus is leading in computer technology.


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