Dangers of tongue piercing

No matter how interesting something was to be a trend, not always a good thing to do. Piercing that once only dominated by the weather, now it's not unusual anymore for a man.
Not only that piercing that once only used in the ear, now already 'roam' to other body parts that have cartilage or soft meat, such as nose, lips, eyebrows up to the tongue.
Some people do not realize the danger of piercing the 'unusual place', an important fashion and slang, but did not think about the health risks behind it.
Moreover, if the piercing is done by those who have no medical background, so that they can not provide treatment or care after the piercing to prevent infection.

Tongue piercing is more ngetrend today is dangerous and a big risk, even can lead to heart disease. As we know, the human mouth contains millions of bacteria, until the holes in the local tongue piercings will form a nest of bacteria, and that's where the bacteria come great opportunities with the blood flow and eventually cause severe infections can occur, such as Ludwig angina and endocarditis.
Ludwig angina is an acute infection caused by Streptococcus bacteria, which infects the lining in the floor of the mouth, which is characterized by swelling that can close the airway.
While endocarditis is an infection of the endokardium (inner lining of the heart) or a serious inflammation of the heart valve, which is one cause of heart disease, since oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream through a wound on the tongue and open the way toward the heart.
Gaul was a major requirement to be acceptable in the environment, but that does not mean sacrificing our health. Trendy and fashionable should not make us sick is not it? So, try to be wiser to address the longer ngetred mode, do not hurt yourself just because you want is called "slang".


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